The Black woman is a lot of things to a lot of people. In ancient matriarchal society, the “Black” woman was Goddess. A fact which begs the question, “What is a Goddess?” Goddesses are living universal archetypes, principles, and energies. As a woman, the Goddess works in YOU, through YOU, as YOU.
Prior to the advent of Christianity, the Mother Goddess was not merely an object of worship, she was an ideal to aspire to. Since prehistoric times the Goddess was known to exist in, and to express herself through, women. In many ancient matristic societies identification with the divine feminine was encouraged and developed through something known as the “Mysteries.” Myths and legends of the Goddess are types of teaching stories which contain multiple levels of esoteric symbolism.
Know Thyself
Why is this important? It’s important because as a woman, to learn more about the Goddess, is to learn more about yourself. Perhaps the oldest axiom of the Goddess is to “Know thyself.” Know yourself, and you will know Nature, the Goddess and the Universe. Ignorance of the world-wide Goddess Legacy robs women of the ability to know and understand the deepest and most powerful parts of themselves.
If you’re ready to learn more about the Goddess, so that you may tap into your inner Goddess, get your copy of Black Goddess Legacy of the Sacred Feminine today!